1. Type of material: Do you want white gold or yellow gold? Palladium or platinum? The type of material you choose for the band will limit your options as far as the setting goes. If you are going with a thin, jewel inlaid band, you will need a stronger metal to support the diamond. If you are just choosing a solid band, then regular gold will be fine. This goes for both women's and men's wedding rings.
2. Type of Gem: How big a gem do you want? What is the quality of gem you are intere
3. Setting: The setting determines how big of a gem you can accommodate (or must use). A large setting will require a large diamond to just look proportional while a small setting may be incapable of supporting a large gem.
When shopping for women's or men's wedding rings, make sure you keep these three principals in the back of your mind at all times.